Shady Grove UMC

Sunday Morning Worship
11:00am - 12:00 pm

Drive-Thru Food Pantry 2nd Mondays
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Sunday Worship Service

Every Sunday morning at 11:00 am,
we gather to encounter the living God:
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

At Shady Grove everyone is welcome. No exceptions.

What's a Typical Sunday Service Like?

 Our service is called "Word and Table" because we pray the Scriptures and receive Holy Communion every Sunday. We believe that kind of service (praying the Scriptures around the Table) will form us into the Church that God needs us to be.

 If you join us this Sunday, you will discover a service grounded in
The United Methodist Book of Worship.

We practice five moments in each Sunday service: 
Gather, Word, Respond, Table, Send